
For this activity, you will need:
4 large, colored craft sticks
A piece of yarn
A piece of deli paper (wax paper or tracing paper works, too)
Some colored tissue paper
A paint brush

  1. Lay two craft sticks on your table. Glue the piece of yarn to one end of both sticks.
  2. Glue the other two sticks to the first two so you make a frame. The yarn ends up sandwiched between the sticks.
  3. Let the glue dry completely before continuing.
  4. Trace your frame onto the deli paper and cut out the shape. Use a thin line of glue to glue the piece of deli paper to your frame.
  5. While you wait for the deli paper’s glue to dry, decide what picture you will make. You can make a design, a mosaic, a picture, or just something colorful – the choice is yours!
  6. Once you decide what you want to make, cut or tear your colored tissue paper into small pieces.
  7. Using your paint brush, brush a thin layer of glue onto the front of your framed paper.  Stick small pieces of the colored tissue paper into the glue to make the design you chose.
  8. Once it’s dry, find a sunny window to hang it.

4 thoughts on “Suncatcher

  1. .

    🐨 I was unsure if this was going to work or not but it turned out really well

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