Rock Creatures

Scientists work all over the world, in labs and offices, in jungles and desserts, even in the oceans and at the South Pole.  One of the many things they do is try to find animals and plants that no one has ever found before.  Right now, we know of about 1,600,000 species on our planet – and that’s a LOT of different plants, animals, and other living things – but scientists estimate there are around 8,700,000 species.  That means there are over 7 MILLION species still to be discovered on Earth!

For this activity, you get to create your very own, unique species.  How?  By making a rock creature!

You’ll need:
Googly eyes
Pipe cleaners and other things to decorate with
Some crayons
A rock
A piece of parchment paper

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Place the parchment paper on an oven proof baking sheet.
  3. Figure out which side of your rock you want to be the top of your new creature. Place your rock, that side up, on the parchment paper.
  4. Once the oven is preheated, heat the rock in the oven for about ten minutes. (Use parental help if needed.)
  5. Get your crayons ready while you are waiting.
  6. Carefully take the tray out of the oven and place it on a heat-safe surface.
  7. Without touching the hot rock with your fingers, draw on it with your crayons. As you color, the wax of the crayons will melt, giving your rock a colorful shell.
  8. Once your rock is cool, glue on the eyes and use other items to decorate your creature.  She’s your creature!  Will she be a bug?  A bird?  A mammal?  Something else?  Make her as wonderful and unique as you!

Check out this adorable creature from a fellow camper!